eBay jumped on the
AppExchange bandwagon with an announcement from their development conference
this weekend of a bunch of new APIs and development tools. This was a pretty broad announcement –
Shoping.com, ProStores and even PayPal (who had traditionally been relatively
closed) are participating in the effort – and expands their existing developer
efforts significantly (see their developer site for more information).
API’s are certainly nothing
new – they are common ways for companies to allow access to their systems – but
it seems to me that application exchanges are the new ‘it’ thing to do for
platform companies (Salesforce.com, Google, eBay, etc.). This is a pretty new concept – companies in
the past were extremely protective of their platforms and wanted to control almost
every aspect of access to their systems (in this paradigm “open system” often
meant ‘we’ll let you use our proprietary scripting engine to ‘develop’ to our
platform). Companies have loosened this
view in more years and moved to more open API’s (sometimes through a developer
program; more recently completely open to anyone who wants to access them). The AppExchange idea is the next logical
extension of this (the “Web 2.0 model for development”, if you will) and makes
perfect sense: open your system, give support and help to those that want to
develop extensions to it and give them a single home where users of your
software can find these extensions. Its
free development work, makes your platform that much more powerful and provides
a nice sourcing ground for potential acquisitions.
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