From time to time I’m
planning on writing posts aimed at giving some insight into the venture
industry. Brad (sometimes co-authored by
Jason Mendelson, our GC) has done a series of these that I think are very
informative. In fact, my very first blog
was a guest column for Brad that described splits and the various ways to
calculate them in a venture deal (and why this matters to entrepreneurs).
I sit through a lot of
venture presentations. Literally hundreds of them. Some are very good but a good
number of them are really poor. Seriously. This amazes me. I think it’s pretty hard to get an audience
with a VC (I think about the number of plans we receive every year that we
don’t see the pitch for vs. the number that we invite in for a meeting). I’m amazed how often entrepreneurs fail to
put their best foot forward when they do get a meeting by having a sub-par
presentation. I think it’s because too
many entrepreneurs know their business so well that they forget how to describe
it to people who don’t.
Here’s a couple of do’s and
don’t that I hope will be helpful. Also
below is a list of what a good venture presentation should include (I believe
this was originally put together by my colleague Chris Wand a few years ago).
- DO have a 2 or 3
sentence description of what you do. This should be simple and straightforward. You grandparents should hear you say this and
say ‘oh – I get it’.
- DO make sure you
start your presentation by telling the people who you are talking to what it is
you do (I’m truly amazed by the number of times it takes 6 or 10 powerpoint
slides to get to the part of the presentation where I finally understand what it is the
company that is presenting actually does)
- DON’T assume that
the problem that you solve is obvious. Make sure you do a good job outlining what it is that you ‘fix’
- DON’T have a
financial plan that shows you becoming the most successful [insert your company
type here] company ever in existence. I’m amazed how many enterprise software companies show us with a plan
that has them generating $50m in revenue in their 4th year . . .
while at the same time insisting that their plan is ‘very conservative’
- DO make sure you
do time checks – first at the beginning of the presentation to know how long
you have an audience for, and then periodically to make sure you are still on
- DO make sure you
then organize your presentation around the time you have (which is to say,
understand the meat of your presentation and make sure you get to it in the
time you have allotted); a corollary to this is to make sure that you skip
sections that you are asked to skip. We
regularly spend 10 or 15 minutes time going through something (for example the
market overview of a market we already know broadly very well) that we’ve asked
an entrepreneur to skip over, only to run out of time during the real guts of
the presentation (i.e., defining how the company’s technology is unique from
that which we’ve seen before).
- DO make sure you
practice your presentation out of order and interrupted – a lot of good
presenters get completely flustered if they get off track or have to take
things in a different order than they planned – you should expect that you’ll
get interrupted with questions, asked to skip over sections and challenged on
certain points – practice your presentation that way.
Questions to answer in a
venture presentation. (n.b., please
don’t see this as an end-all/be-all list, but rather as just a guide):
- What is your big
- What problem are
you trying to solve and for whom?
- Where do you want
to be in the future
Market Opportunity
- How big is the
market you are pursuing and how fast is it growing?
- How established
is the market?
- Do you have a
credible claim on being one of the top two or three players in this market?
- What is your
product or service?
- How does it solve
your customer’s problem?
- What is unique
about your product/service?
- Who are your
existing customers?
- Who is your
target customer?
- What defines an
‘ideal’ customer prospect?
- Who actually
writes you the check? Who do you sell to? Who needs to sign off on the
- Use specific
customer examples where possible?
Value Proposition
- What is your
value proposition to your customer?
- What kind of ROI
can your customers expect by using your product/service?
- What pain are you
- Are you selling
vitamins, aspirin or antibiotics (i.e., a luxury, a nice to have or a need to
Management Team
- Who is the
management team?
- What is their
- What team members
are missing and what is the plan to fill these open positions?
Revenue Model
- How do you make
- What is your
revenue model?
- What is required
to become profitable?
Stage of Development
- What is your
stage of development? Technology/product? Team? Financial metrics? Revenue?
- What has been
your progress to date? (make today’s reality vs. the future you are pitching
- What are your
future milestones?
Fund Raising
- What funds have
already been raised?
- How much money
are you raising and what is your valuation expectation?
- How will the
money be spent?
- How long will the
new money last and what milestones will be met?
- How much
additional financing do you anticipate and when?
- Who is your
existing and likely competition?
- Who is adjacent
to you in the market that could enter your market?
- What are your
competitors strengths and weaknesses?
- Why are you
- Who are your
current and possible future technology and distribution partners?
- How dependent is
your model on these partners?
Fit with Investors
- How does your
business fit with the VC’s existing portfolio and expertise?
- Are there any
synergies or possible conflicts with existing portfolio companies?
- What assumptions
are key to the success of the business?
- What ‘gotchas’
could change the business outlook overnight? Technology? New market entrants? Changes in standards or regulations?
- What are your
companies weak links?
Seth, I thought that list seemed familiar...checked back on Brad's blog and saw he posted the same list in June:
Posted by: Ben Casnocha | January 08, 2005 at 05:32 PM has a good source of sample documents for an offering memorandum, business plan, financial model and comparable valuations.
Posted by: Bill Tuller | February 26, 2005 at 09:41 PM
Posted by: d605dmri | March 30, 2007 at 02:16 PM
Posted by: ldo9oz6 | March 31, 2007 at 02:12 PM
Posted by: utujcxhc | March 31, 2007 at 02:13 PM
Posted by: y5bqc | April 02, 2007 at 01:45 PM
Posted by: lrgapgc | April 02, 2007 at 02:14 PM
Posted by: 9dw8zb | April 03, 2007 at 04:28 PM